From time to time, DocsInk takes a hard look at our technology and decides that you need more from us and updates need to be done. Now is one of those times. So, Let’s get to it!
UPDATE: Inserting Conditions to CCM Notes
First: We are pre-inserting the CCM Conditions into the Note field as well as some big performance updates, making the application much faster. Also, Messenger now has the Group Call Board!  This is a big deal.  Our first big user case for this will connect over 100 different community pharmacies across the United States for a real-time messaging On Call Scheduler.
This should be a significant time saver and template guide for CCM Notes. The Add Log will, by default, pull patients’ managed conditions into the Notes. As a result, patient follow up can be documented for CCM. This will also insert the Notes into the CCM Log for the patient. Click the Insert Conditions toggle to pull out the notes.
UPDATE: Call Group Board
The Call Group Board REALLY starts to pull together DocsInk’s shared Organizations and On Call Scheduler. Clicking on the ellipses to the right of Call Groups will open the Call Group Board.
Call Groups, initially, are uncategorized. Click the ‘+’ to create a category and then Drag and Drop the groups into the categories. Only the users that are on call when opened, will show in their tiles. Select ‘On Call’ beneath your Board List to show ONLY the tiles with On Call Users available. Use the Search to look into the future and see who’s on call for a specific date and time – and click on the user to message them.
See something else you need? Connect with your rep and let us know!